The ultra-filtrate peptides that our formula contains are derived from tissues and endocrine glads extrapolated from embryonic ovine placenta stem cells. The organic lysates are obtained through excision and or rupture of macromolecules present in the tissues. Those ruptures bond between atoms of water molecules called hydrolysis reaction that are managed by increasing and actuating the appropriate enzymes, suitable pH and temperature variations.

Our formula of hydrolyzed protein macromolecules, is a mixture of components that uniquely have a lower molecular size than that of the original substance. When the hydrolysis is complete, a mixture of potent and sophisticated amino acids are obtained.

For reactions in which the degree of hydrolysis is controlled, our resulting mixture contains polypeptides, dipeptides and amnio acids in addition to their natural tissues which contain complex proteins (phosphor-proteins, nuclei- proteins, glycoproteins, lipoproteins and metabolic-proteins) susceptible to fragmentation.

The hydrolyzed components derived from these tissues also contain: phosphorus compounds, nucleic acids and nucleotides. All derived from carbohydrates and lipids, biological cofactors, trace elements and electrolytes, in addition to protein derivatives previously mentioned lysis.

These components present in the hydrolysates are proportioned qualitative and quantitative in accordance to the tissue from which they derive. As a result, the lipid-therapy comprehensively brings the necessary substances needed to normalize the structure, physiology and the metabolism of a particular tissue or organ.

It is for this reason that hydrolyzed components from ovine are capable of producing an effect greater than those of synthetic peptide mixtures and amino acids. The ultra-filtrate peptide are biopharmaceuticals from animal origin, obtained by hydrolysis, which have been purified by means of selective molecular filtration according to the size of the proposed molecular hydrolysis product.

The formula and concentrate are proteins that are differentiated under albumins and proteinases. When you perform a lysate-therapy or cell-therapy you also initiated a catalytic concomitant therapy.

Why do we associate biological therapy (hydrolyzed) with vitamins, minerals and herbal medicine? Our formula has hydrolysates, vitamins, trace elements, minerals and herbal medicine to complement and potentiate the function of the hydrolysates.

Enzyme Wellness 

Is based on the administration of proteolytic enzymes that reduce a range of complex proteins to polypeptides and oligopeptides peptones, until finally the amino acids are reached.

Some of the actions most noteworthy are: improving blood flow because it inhibits platelet aggregation. Promote the degradation of immune complex pathogens and regulate the immune system. Promote penetration of antibiotics in septic foci.


INSCULPT is a Hydrolysate composed of amino acids, proteins, enzymes and embryonic stem cells that naturally actuate and work in synergy to assist in the Reduction of fatty excess and flaccid tissues.

  • Does not possess pharmacological antagonism
  • Contains no drugs or hormones
  • Does not contain dyes or preservatives
  • Good gastrointestinal tolerance

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